Monday, October 8, 2007

Hello from nBlog

This little post is to flag my first use of the nBlog program to post blog entries from my Newton Message Pad 2100. I hope to make this my primary blogging tool so that I don't have to wait to be home to post.

I have been fiddling around with nBlog for a while. Without documentation, the only way to learn how it works is to hack with it. In the process I discovered that it and the companion program XML-RPC (for the Newton) were written in the old school style. If the user does the right thing they work, but the slightest user error triggers long and indecipherable error messages. At first XML-RPC kept crashing, leaving my Newt's Internet connection stuck open. The only fix was a reset. Painful.

In a future post I will detail my configuration, so that all my fellow Newtoniers can post to their own blogs. So far my biggest issue is posting links to photos on flickr. Those URLs are unpredictable, so the only way to do it is copy and paste, and as far as I know my Newton cannot access flikr.

1 comment:

Tag said...

I'll be interested in a future post describing details. I had used nBlog with some success last year (May/June '06). There was Google API upgrade from the Blogger API which I thought rendered nBlog outdated. I was unable to post any updates to Blogger.