It was the E9 club badge I wrote about a few weeks ago that got me thinking about how my corner of the shop looks. Dreary, for sure. The bay is, well, just a bay. It would not be so bad if there was a beautiful car parked in it. Like beautiful women, a beautiful car can overcome a host of minor flaws. Likewise a plain car generates few expectations. A once beautiful car turned ugly, though, is depressing. This is why I bought the clock. To compensate, to cheer the place up. It's not as if I constantly need to know what time it is.
So the first real work was to drill a bunch of holes to spot weld the patch through. Good thing I bought that new set of drill bits! next I wiped down both mating surfaces with acetone and shot them with Weld-Thru Primer - a.k.a. Weld-Thru Coating. after that is was just a matter of welding it on.
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